#PostaniITGirl is an informal education program that improves the digital and entrepreneurship skills of girls and young women, giving them access to technology, programming language, and digital business development. In-person or online learning is focused on the most relevant technology topics such as web development (HTML, CSS and JavaScript), technology entrepreneurship, robotics, 3D modelling and VR technologies. Learning methodology is adapted to the issues identified in the communities, giving its contribution to overall sustainable development goals (SDG).
Metodologija učenja prilagođena je problemima identifikovanim u zajednicama, dajući doprinos ukupnim dostignućima ciljevima održivog razvoja (SDG).
Trening 2016/2017
Trening 2016
Trening 2016
Trening 2016/2017
Trening 2016
Trening 2016
Trening 2017
Trening 2017
#PostaniITGirl Arduino
Radionica 2018