IT Girls Clubs

Upon kickstarting the IT Girls initiative, the idea of its introduction into schools evolved. Following consultation with cantonal ministries of education, the initiative established institutional partnerships with 10 schools in 2019 in which an extra-curricular activity, IT Girls Clubs, was established. Subsequentially, trainings were organized for teachers from schools which were nominated by the Ministries of Education. Each school was provided with 10 Arduino electronic kits, and IT Girls produced a training manual for teachers on the use of these electronic sets in the classroom. From the initial 10 schools and 10IT Girls clubs, the initiative expanded to the entire country, now being present in both entities and Brčko District in a total of 22 primary schools, and 28 secondary schools, reaching more than 400 girls and 100 boys through formal education, and training around 100 teachers. The initiative continues to expand to additional schools, and continuously produces additional learning resources for teachers and students.

IT Girls Clubs


Osnovne škole:

OŠ Ključ


Osnovne škole:

OŠ "Cazin II"


Osnovne škole:

OŠ" "Vladimir Nazor"

OŠ "Fra Ilija Starčević" - Tolisa

Srednje škole:

Srednja škola Pere Zečević


Srednje škole:

Školski centar fra Martina Nedića

2. Srednja strukovna škola Orašje


Osnovne škole:

JU Deseta osnovna škola - Bijela

JU Prva osnovna škola

Srednje škole:

JU Gimnazija „Vaso Pelagić“

JU Ekonomska škola Brčko


Srednje škole:

JU Gimnazija “Dr. Mustafa Kamarić”


Osnovne škole:

OŠ "Mejdan"

Srednje škole:

JU Gimnazija “Meša Selimović”


Srednje škole:

JU Gimnazija Živinice 


Osnovne škole:

OŠ "Mirsad Prnjavorac"


Srednje škole:

JU Mješovita srednja škola

„Enver Pozderović“

JU Srednja tehnička škola

„Hasib Hadžović“

JU Srednja stručna škola

„Džemal Bijedić“


Osnovne škole:

OŠ "Behaudin Selmanović"

Srednje škole:

Druga gimnazija Sarajevo


Srednje škole:

JU Četvrta gimnazija Ilidža


Osnovne škole:

OŠ "Suljo Čilić"



Srednje škole:

Gimnazija fra Grge Martića


Osnovne škole:

OŠ "Fra Stipan Vrljić" - Sovići


Srednje škole:

Gimnazija fra Dominika Mandića


Osnovne škole:

OŠ "Mustafa Ejubović - Šejh Jujo"


Srednje škole:

Gimnazija Ljubuški 

IT Girls Clubs work with Arduino kits, and teachers are trained in using them. Arduino is a platform for learning about electronics and programming, and it consists of an Arduino microcontroller, Arduino development environment, and Arduino programming language.

 Refreshers for teachers are held on a regular basis, while a range of video tutorials are available to them and to girls. Throughout the year, teachers are provided with support in establishing IT Girls Clubs and in teaching.

Manuals for teachers engaged in the IT Girls Clubs were developed by professors of informatics and electronics elaborating on the use of Arduino kits in the classrooms, and showcasing various exercises and projects teachers and students can do in the classroom.

Currently, there are two manuals for teachers developed, which cover different difficulty levels of programming and electronics.

The initiative developed 2 manuals for on gender-sensitive teaching methods: one for teachers and one for trainers.

Gender-responsive teacher training has become an integral part of the trainings for teachers and trainers, to ensure equal opportunities and fair access for girls and boys, as well as to avoid stereotypical content in textbooks and gender-insensitive teaching methods. The gender-responsive teaching methods manual was developed by several university professors, who analyzed textbooks of several STEAM subjects and developed recommendations for teachers.

By gaining access to this knowledge and these skills, the girls who participated became empowered to embark on education and career pathways in IT and/or STEM. Current methods of teaching, assessment, and evaluation in BiH schools do not sufficiently address the demands of contemporary society, with low competencies of teachers to teach informatics at a more advanced level. IT Girls provides teachers with training in programming and electronics to provide girls with skills that will enable an easier transition from education to work. Working directly with the Ministries of Education in BiH and in schools enabled the establishment of an extracurricular activity in schools that offers an alternative option for more advanced informatics classes, which are also more easily adaptable to changes in technology and industry, while still being offered through the formal education system. Teachers are the key to not only the skill-building aspect for girls, but also the elimination of gender biases in classrooms and the use of gender-responsive teaching methods.

According to teachers and other stakeholders, IT Girls Clubs represent an eye-opening experience for students and an insight into wide possibilities and use of high digital skills. Girls join IT Girls Clubs because they want to learn programming, because they are interested in IT, and because they would like to work in IT-related fields. In terms of immediate impact, although this cannot be attributed only to the IT Girls initiative, an increase in the number of girls participating in robotics clubs in their schools (where these exist), and through direct feedback from girls participating in IT Girls activities, the majority are thinking about pursuing their education in STEM areas, specifically IT.

During 2022, 11 new Master educators (in total 13 Master educators) were educated on the advanced use of Arduino sets, and on gender-responsive teaching methods. These educators are prepared to lead teacher training and help teachers in setting up IT Girls Clubs in their schools.

In total, four teacher training (two initial, two refreshers) and four GRTM training sessions have been conducted in the year 2022, leading to a total of 101 teachers from 28 primary and secondary schools in Federation BiH and Brčko district being trained in Arduino methodology, and 52 in GRTM. These teachers formed IT Girls Clubs in their schools (27 IT Girls Clubs in total).

10 new video tutorials have been produce for high-school students, based on the Arduino manual for high schools and the Arduino Project book. Additionally, six new video tutorials (four animated, two filmed) on the basics of electronics and programming for Arduino will be added to this list by the end of 2022.

IT Girls implementing partner Laboratorium visited 22 IT Girls Clubs in schools in Federation BiH and Brčko district, filming activities done through these clubs, as well as the thoughts and feelings of students and teachers on working with Arduino sets.

IT Girls branded promotional material (T-shirts, notebooks, stickers, posters, boxes for Arduino sets) has been distributed to 28 primary and secondary schools in Federation BiH and Brčko district, as well as printed Arduino and GRTM manuals being issued to 50 primary and secondary schools throughout BiH.

The IT Girls initiative, through its partner Laboratorium, also supported an event organized by 4 high-schools in Tuzla Canton for Girls in ICT Day (April 28, 2022). They also marked the International Day of the Girl by making a guest appearance on national and regional TV stations and promoting the efforts of the initiative and of IT Girls Clubs.

Partner in the implementation of the “IT Girls come to your schools” project:
Art&Science Association “Laboratorium” Tuzla.